StrongComet - iPhoneography Blog

Trump is arriving on Monday for his first visit to Israel as the “President”. Ass licking already started with US flags and Israeli flags flapping together in the wind along Road No.1 leading to Jerusalem. “Friends” of Trump hung huge signs across the city. Graphic designers should be fired, as the USA in the word Jerusalem, completely vanished from the sign 😗 This is going to be the most embarrassing ever visit of an American President in the history of this country. Sadly, no reporters are allowed during the visit, only in speeches…

King Crimson – I Talk To The Wind . Said the straight man to the late man Where have you been I’ve been here and I’ve been there And I’ve been in between. . I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear. . I’m on the outside looking inside What do I see Much confusion, disillusion All around me. . You don’t possess me Don’t impress me Just upset my mind Can’t instruct me or conduct me Just use up my time . I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.