These are my nine best liked photos for 2015.
388 photos were uploaded, receiving a total of 59,901 likes.
That’s a nice number, but what is a “Like” really? How much time do we spend on every image we see?
How big is the screen we see them on? Is a like without a comment makes a photo lesser? Why does my own photo I don’t like, gets more likes than a photo I think is much better? If my photo has lots of likes but doesn’t have even one comment, does it mean it sucks? Does good Social Behavior make a better feed? Does my Nationality make a difference? Do I make a difference?
Does any of this make a difference to someone?
These questions arise with every photo I upload.
After five years here, I still don’t understand how IG works. Is it going anywhere? Am I going anywhere? People come and People go – Have I made a mark? Is my mark needed? Is it important to someone?
What I do know is I’m creating an alternative world to my own. This is my life reflecting, but through a contrasting, somewhat surreal and not natural mirror. What you see is not what I saw, but what I want you to think I saw. Is this art? I don’t know. Is this human nature? Perhaps.
What I do want you to know is I REALLY appreciate your likes and comments. I will probably won’t meet any of you in person, and that’s a shame, but you give me a window to other lives and other worlds so far from my own, and this is my favorite thing here, on IG.
All The Best, and see you on the other side of 2015…